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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

10 Free eBooks and eAudio Book Sites!

Everyone loves a good book and when it's FREE, it's even better! All of the following sites offer free access to eBooks or eAudio Books that can be downloaded, read or listened to on your computer. You can find fiction, nonfiction, classics, and many technical and computer books from these sites.

  1. Project GutenbergProject Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.
  2. getfreebooks.comGetfreeebooks.com is a free ebooks site where you can download free books totally free.
  3. Ebooks On Us: Ebook Downloads & Free audiobooks Everyday ...Forever!
  4. Audio Book TreasuryAudio Book Treasury provides quick, easy and convenient access to classic audio books.
  5. FreeClassicAudioBooks.com: Digital narration for the 21st century. 
  6. Books Should be FreeFree Audio Books from the public domain.
  7. Free Tech BooksFree Online Computer Science and Programming Books, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes.
  8. Free-eBooksDiscover great fiction, from romance to mystery, or non-fiction, from business information to self-improvement. 
  9. ManyBooks.netThere are more than 29,000 eBooks available here and they're all free! 
  10. LibriVox: LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. 
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