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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

National Homeschool Book Award

I just ran across the newly launched National Homeschool Book Award site, and HAD to share. The site offers a wonderful chance for kids to not only find amazing new books, but also gives them an opportunity to celebrate authors who write books that appeal to homeschoolers, and gives home schooled kids a voice.
The award program was created by a group of literature-loving homeschool moms, and they have just announced the four finalists for this year's award.

Being a part of the National Homeschool Book Award is free and simple! All you have to do is read the four books and pick your favorite in October when the voting polls open. The winner will be  announced in November. 
In the meantime, the National Homeschool Book Award blog will post information about the books and their authors, activities and more!
You can also catch them on facebook!
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